At Capacity

Winter 2023 4v4 Indoor Volleyball League  Volleyball (Indoor) · Co-Ed Intermediate

Sold Out
Winter 2023
Jan 3 ’23
Mar 21 ’23
Registration Dates:
Dec 9 ’22 – Jan 1 ’23 regular
Reiche School
B,  A
Minimum age:
16 years old
Maximum age:
99 years old
Age as of:
Jan 3 ’23
MonTueWedThuFriSatSun 6:00pm to 10:30pm

Head to Head - Round Robin

Team Fees
Regular $80.00 per player + 2.0% Processing Fee
Free Agent Fees
Regular $85.00 + 2.0% Processing Fee

League Details

Tuesday Nights - 6:00 - 10:30 

3 Sessions: 6:00 - 7:30  **  7:30 - 9:00  **  9:00 - 10:30

20 Teams / 2 Divisions - All players will play at Reiche

9 Weeks - 6 Weeks of Regular Season Play, 2 Bye Weeks & Tournament

Teams will move between divisions after standings updates halfway through 

the season and before playoffs. 

No Special Scheduling Requests Can Be Honored

Points Cap: C+

** Teams with 2 or more women will be awarded an additional point.

** Teams must be under the cap to start the season. Any player ranked up during the session can adjust the following session.

** Any games played over the points cap will be forfeited. I count on you using your best judgement when assembling your team.


Reiche Elementary School

166 Brackett St

Portland, ME 04102

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